
Las aventuras de Pepe

Literatura infantil: de 0 a 12 años


Pepe is an eight-year-old boy. He has black hair, and he loves custard, chocolate, video games and TV. He likes everything except books, because Pepe doesn?t like to read. As old as he is, he hasn?t read a single one yet. If it were up to him, he would burn them all. His sister Guillermina, though, is a real bookworm; she spends hours and hours reading and daydreaming that she?s the heroine of everything she reads. Their parents don?t spend much time with Pepe, because they work long hours and are tired when they get home. And because Pepe feels lonely, he spends lots of time in front of the TV screen and the video console. But the boy?s monotonous life makes a complete turnaround one afternoon when his Aunt Lorenza decides to take him and his sister to the circus. During the act starring the Viking Lady and the Dwarf, an accident sets the circus tent on fire. In an act of bravery, the dwarf leads Pepe, his aunt and Guillermina to safety outside. And before he goes, the dwarf entrusts Pepe with the safekeeping of a very special book. When he opens it to the first page, Pepe is thrust into the wildest adventures. In this new situation, he soon changes his mind about reading, and though it?s hard for him, he begins to awaken to the joy of reading.
